

[06:10] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> that's why i decided to have Crash characters in my LEGO Dimensions custom which i'll work on after the Marvel one
[06:10] <Dadaw> I think I still ahve the disk for the first ever Crash Game for PS2
[06:10] <Dadaw> cool
[06:10] <Dadaw> cant wait to read the Marvel custom and the DImensions when you're done
[06:10] <Dadaw> gello
[06:10] <Lavertus> Hi
[06:10] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> hey
[06:10] <Dadaw> lav pm
[06:11] <Lavertus> k
[06:12] <Shiva Kuzunasee> 'sup bro. 
[06:17] <Dadaw> gello
[06:17] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> hey bot
[06:18] <Lavertus> It logs the chat, I don't do it on my main because i'd be getting thousands of illegit edits
[06:19] <Shiva Kuzunasee> That thing has, maybe, more than mine edits. 
[06:23] <Dadaw> wb
[06:23] <Dadaw> toa pm
[06:24] <Shiva Kuzunasee> It's not recommended to wb in front of me :p 
[06:24] <ToaMatau2004> The thirteenth doctor is
[06:24] <ToaMatau2004> JOHN CENA!
[06:24] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb, b, b
[06:24] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb, b b
[06:24] <Dadaw> this is why 
[06:24] <Dadaw> you cant see him 
[06:24] <Dadaw> in the teaster
[06:24] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb, b b
[06:24] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb, b, b
[06:24] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> Wb, Butterfinger BB's
[06:25] <Shiva Kuzunasee> No, wb is my style of Ollie keys remix. 
[06:25] <Dadaw> who understand the refrence I did
[06:25] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> oh
[06:25] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> I made the reference
[06:25] <ToaMatau2004> I need to add a 13 to my doctor who figure collection.
[06:25] <Dadaw> lol
[06:26] <ToaMatau2004> Still unsure of what face to give them
[06:26] <Dadaw> toa pm
[06:26] <Dadaw> wb
[06:27] <Shiva Kuzunasee> And I, then, need to add the 13th to my new grand project. 
[06:27] <ToaMatau2004> You talking about the 13th doctor?
[06:27] <Lavertus> I can't believe that they actually did it @Matau
[06:27] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Yes. 
[06:27] <Lavertus> The BBC just ended Dr Who
[06:28] <ToaMatau2004> lol
[06:28] <Dadaw> i am going to give It a chance see how it goes, but I still think it was a bad idea
[06:28] <Lavertus> They may as well have just taken it off the listings, because no one will watch it
[06:28] <ToaMatau2004> Really?
[06:28] <ToaMatau2004> I'll watch it
[06:29] <Lavertus> It wasn't a bad idea though
[06:29] <Lavertus> It was a diabolical idea
[06:29] <Lavertus> A TV atrocity
[06:29] <ToaMatau2004> oh the humanity!
[06:29] <Lavertus> How the hell did this get approved?
[06:29] <ToaMatau2004> Chibnal wanted it
[06:29] <Lavertus> I hope the BBC have a lot of money, because they'll sure as hell need it to recover
[06:30] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> oh
[06:31] <Dadaw> right now lets hope she will do that role good as the past actors did
[06:31] <ToaMatau2004> I'm mad they didn't cast a ginger. 
[06:31] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> well they needed somebody with a Soul
[06:31] <Dadaw> which one?
[06:31] <Lavertus> Oi!
[06:31] <Lavertus> I'm ginger :'( 
[06:31] <Dadaw> determination? or other type of SOUL?
[06:31] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> I was making a joke
[06:32] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> sorry
[06:32] <Lavertus> I know :p 
[06:32] <Dadaw> IK and I see the refrence
[06:32] <ToaMatau2004> He has had 14 faces but has never been ginger.
[06:32] <Dadaw> IMO they should have taken Morgan Freeman as the 13th doctor, IDK why I am think of that xxxxd
[06:33] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> I'd watch anything with Morgan Freeman is cast in
[06:33] <Lavertus> They should have had the guy off Death in Paradice, he should have won
[06:33] <Lavertus> If he was younger, Harrison Ford could do it
[06:33] <Dadaw> yeah
[06:33] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> or Rob Schneider
[06:34] <Dadaw> and Nicholas Cage!
[06:34] <Dadaw> 
[06:34] <Dadaw> Dadaw stop making Con air refrences
[06:34] <ToaMatau2004> or John Cena
[06:34] <Dadaw> you dont really wantNicholas Cage
[06:34] <Dadaw> Toa
[06:34] <Lavertus> James Franco
[06:34] <Dadaw> John Cena is the actual 13th doctor
[06:35] <ToaMatau2004> When The Doctor was walking through the forest and we saw the hood I really thought it was the Death in Paradice guy
[06:35] <Dadaw> in fact
[06:35] <Lavertus> He is a good actor
[06:35] <Dadaw> John Cena is secretly all the doctors
[06:35] <Dadaw> and everything
[06:35] <Lavertus> In fact, Jar Jar binks would be better as Dr Who than a woman
[06:35] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.>
[06:35] <Dadaw> lol
[06:36] <Dadaw> you cant see him
[06:36] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> no let's have Donald Trump be the 14th Doctor
[06:36] <Dadaw> even infrared vision cant allow you to see him
[06:36] <Dadaw> yeah
[06:36] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> XD
[06:36] <Dadaw> MAKE DW GREAT AGAIN
[06:36] <Dadaw> Donald Trump as the 14th Doctor
[06:36] <Dadaw> Make DW great again
[06:36] <Dadaw> xxxxd
[06:36] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> I'd totally buy a Donald Trump LEGO Set
[06:37] <Dadaw> lol
[06:37] <Dadaw> make me the Doctor
[06:37] <Lavertus> Build a wall and have the Daleks pay for it
[06:37] <ToaMatau2004> We've known that 13 was a woman since 1999.
[06:37] <Dadaw> dadaw you are only dreaming that you are the doctor
[06:37] <Dadaw> lol toa
[06:37] <Dadaw> *lav
[06:37] <Dadaw> yeah
[06:37] <Dadaw> Curse of (I dont remember) Death
[06:37] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.>
[06:37] <ToaMatau2004> So this wasn't a surprise, 
[06:38] <Dadaw> Mr. Bean should have been the 13th docto
[06:38] <Dadaw> xd SSG
[06:38] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> yep
[06:40] <Shiva Kuzunasee> What if Rupert Grint was the new Doctor? 
[06:40] <.Smashing.Star.Gamer.> what if Peter Griffin was the new doctor?
[06:40] <Dadaw> lol
[06:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> No, I mean, Toa wanted the ginger Doctor.
[06:41] <Dadaw> the DW fans are devided to 2 now
[06:41] <Dadaw> half one said half on another said
[06:42] <Dadaw> so lets take dw rating and bring them down by 40%
[06:42] <ToaMatau2004> Yeo
[06:42] <ToaMatau2004> yep
[06:42] <Dadaw> the money that they earning by 40% too
[06:43] <ToaMatau2004> I'm sure they'll make it work
[06:43] <Dadaw> and the fans by 35% (some people might skip her seasons)
[06:43] <Dadaw> that's what is going to happen kind of 
[06:43] <Dadaw> there are many that likes that idea and there are many that hate the idea
[06:44] <ToaMatau2004> I'm gonna wait to like it or hate it
[06:44] <ToaMatau2004> i''m undecided 
[06:44] <Dadaw> I am giving it a chance
[06:45] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I can't watch it right now. 
[06:45] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I'm undecided too. 
[06:45] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I'm just a member of the Fandom. 
[06:55] <Shiva Kuzunasee> My rings have just arrived! 
[06:56] <Dadaw> cool
[06:56] <ToaMatau2004> You are the lord of the rings
[06:56] <ToaMatau2004> Fly you fools!
[06:56] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Not just the lord of the rings.
[06:56] <Shiva Kuzunasee> But The Lord of the Wedding Rings. 
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Marry you fools! 
[06:57] <ToaMatau2004> Nice
[06:57] <ToaMatau2004> Congrats
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Thanks a ton. 
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb, wb
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb wb wb
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb wbbbbbbb
[06:57] <ToaMatau2004> I knew you were older than us Tfols here.
[06:57] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb b b
[06:58] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Yeah, but not than all of you.
[06:58] <Dadaw> wb lav
[06:59] <Dadaw> shiva is that Pink Panther again?
[06:59] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Yeah XD
[06:59] <Dadaw> i prefer using xxxxd
[07:00] <Dadaw> or
[07:00] <Dadaw> xXD
[07:00] <Dadaw> o:)
[07:00] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Brb :d 
[07:01] <Dadaw> k
[07:03] <Dadaw> wb
[07:51] <Dadaw> gello
[07:52] <Lavertus> wb
[07:52] <Dadaw> I wonder what will happen with companions now
[07:54] <Lavertus> I don't even want to think of it
[08:06] <Dadaw> trying to message my old friends from MW, see if there's any other way I can contact them
[08:06] <Lavertus> k
[08:08] <Lavertus> back in 10
[08:23] <Shiva Kuzunasee> gello 
[08:25] <Dadaw> gello is my greetings
[08:25] <Dadaw> now suffer the consequences
[08:25] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I know, I'm joking. 
[08:25] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Good Morning and 'sup are mine. 
[08:26] <Tullin> hello
[08:26] <Lavertus> Hi
[08:27] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Hey, I remember you. 
[08:27] <Shiva Kuzunasee> 'sup. 
[08:27] <Tullin> lavertus my brother in the batle and the botle
[08:27] <Shiva Kuzunasee> AltHistory
[08:27] <Tullin> yep
[08:28] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I know you.
[08:28] <Shiva Kuzunasee> There's no mistake. 
[08:28] <Shiva Kuzunasee> You are a wanted man. 
[08:28] <Dadaw> gello
[08:28] <Tullin> what ?
[08:28] <Lavertus> Wanted?
[08:28] <Lavertus> He's never been here before
[08:28] <Tullin> i have once lavertus
[08:29] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Come on, doesn't anyone know this quote? 
[08:29] <Lavertus> Ah yes, but I think we were alone, weren't we?
[08:29] <Shiva Kuzunasee> The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
[08:29] <Lavertus> Oh
[08:29] <Lavertus> I don't play Skryim Shiva
[08:29] <Lavertus> I play Fallout :p 
[08:29] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Guards are talking to you like that, if you are a member of the Thieves Guild.
[08:30] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I don't play Fallout
[08:30] <Tullin> ha yea
[08:30] <Tullin> skyrim
[08:30] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I play The Elder Scrolls 
[08:30] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Wb b bbbbbbb
[08:30] <Shiva Kuzunasee> (remix of dundundunnnnn)
[08:31] <Tullin> i play skyrim
[08:32] <Tullin> and i love my mapgames
[08:32] <Lavertus> I mostly play Fallout 4, GTAV and Battlefield 1
[08:32] <Tullin> also do you know billy bragg lavertus
[08:32] <Lavertus> no
[08:33] <Shiva Kuzunasee> So, what has brought you here, Tul? 
[08:33] <Lavertus> The internet
[08:34] <Shiva Kuzunasee> What else? 
[08:35] <Shiva Kuzunasee> XD It sounds like: «What was a reason of death of that fallen guy?» «Gravitation»
[08:37] <Lavertus> test
[08:38] <Dadaw> working
[08:38] <Dadaw> got twitter
[08:38] <Dadaw> catching up with people from MW
[08:38] <Lavertus> cool
[08:38] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Worjing. 
[08:38] <ToaMatau2004> Lav, want me to add you?
[08:38] <Lavertus> On what?
[08:38] <Dadaw> toa pm
[08:39] <Tullin> lavertus 
[08:39] <Lavertus> yes Tulin
[08:39] <Tullin> is the reason i am here even if i dislike lego
[08:39] <Lavertus> We have a community
[08:39] <Lavertus> I don't collect LEGO either
[08:39] <ToaMatau2004> Mw twitter
[08:39] <Lavertus> And I am running the place :p 
[08:40] <Lavertus> I don't have Twitter @Matau
[08:40] <Tullin> i don't like lego in general
[08:40] <Tullin> i did as a small me but now not at all
[08:40] <Tullin> i build ideologies not houses
[08:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I build a wall.
[08:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I'm Trump. 
[08:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Jk no. 
[08:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> I build both. 
[08:41] <ToaMatau2004> I'm the wiki ceo
[08:41] <Tullin> i build a tachanka i am makhno
[08:41] <ToaMatau2004> I make all da rules
[08:41] <ToaMatau2004> jk
[08:41] <Shiva Kuzunasee> and even more.
[08:41] <ToaMatau2004> gtg
[08:42] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Yeah, I remember that guy, who called you CEO XD
[08:42] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Bye then. 
[08:42] <Lavertus> bye o/ 
[08:42] <Dadaw> bye
[08:43] <Tullin> i am a bureaucrat on dutch alt his
[08:43] <Lavertus> cool
[08:44] <Tullin> but its like even quiter then fidel castro 
[08:44] <Shiva Kuzunasee> He's dead.
[08:44] <Tullin> yep just like my wikia
[08:46] <Tullin> lavertus
[08:46] <Tullin> how do i have allmost have same amouth edits on alt his then you here with one year less
[08:46] <Lavertus> Everyone on the Alt history chat has abandoned the wiki for an app
[08:47] <Lavertus> Because I left the wiki over a year ago
[08:47] <Lavertus> I came back in December
[08:47] <Tullin> ah okay
[08:49] <Tullin> Lavertus can i share a polandball of my pm iv nation
[08:50] <Lavertus> sure
[08:51] <Tullin> here
[08:51] <Tullin> its a joke on something i said
[08:52] <Lavertus> lol
[08:53] <Dadaw> gello
[08:53] <Tullin> my flag has a chipmunk on it
[08:53] <Lavertus> gtg, bye
[08:53] <Shiva Kuzunasee> Bye.
[08:53] <Tullin> bye