



This is the store where you can purchase weapons and power-ups for your duelist. Back to main page [1].


  • Staff- winner gets +2 studs, loser gets -1 stud. max # 1 cost: begin with (n/a)
  • Knife- winner gets +3 studs, loser gets -2 studs. max # 2 cost: 5 studs
  • Sword- winner gets +4 studs, loser gets -3 studs. max # 2 cost: 10 studs
  • Pistol- winner gets +5 studs, loser gets -4 studs. max # 2 cost: 20 studs


  • Attack- if you win, you get 1 bonus stud. max # 3 cost: 10 studs
  • Defense- if you lose, subtract one stud from loss total. max # 1 cost: 10 studs
  • Last hit- if you lose, opponent loses 1 stud. max # 1 cost: 10 studs

Optional power-ups

  • 2X odds- you can use this to have 2X odds on fight. max # 1 cost: 20 studs
  • Anti-power- you can use this to disable opponent's power-ups for that duel only. One use each. max # unlimited. cost: 20 studs
  • Copy-cat- you can use this to have the same power-ups as opponent for that duel only. One use each. max # unlimited. cost: 20 studs
  • No loss- if you lose, you can use this to cancel losing studs. One use each. max # unlimited. cost: 5 studs
  • Extra flip- you can use this to add 2 extra coin flips to duel. max # 1 cost:15 studs

Tell what items you want below.
